
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Thursday, 08 September 2011

TOMS Shoes - Start Something That Matters

Official Store - TOMS Shoes - One for One - A Pair of New Shoes is Given to a Child in Need With Every Pair Purchased |

I really like this concept and think there is a such room for more of this, especially in South Africa.

What's great about it is that he's managed to keep style, fashionability and quality in the item - all things which can fall by the way side when you're trying to make a business profitable while also giving things away for free!

The founder, Blake Mycoskie, has also just released a book based on his experience getting his company TOMS off the ground. Read more about it here and once its released in SA ...


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