
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Friday, 15 July 2011

Skin Science

I work in the beauty/skincare industry - so I've become familiar with ingredients, brands and what works and doesn't.
There's a lot of product out there which costs a fortune and doesn't work.  There are also other products which aren't well known but actually work brilliantly!
It's hard to know what to believe and what to spend your money on wisely.
If you were to believe the beauty/fashion mags - you'd think that Creme de la mer at around R2,000 (yes over £200 / $250 a tub) is the miracle you should aspire to for your skin!

Honestly - who has that kind of cash to spend on a face cream - its just immoral when there are starving children in the world.  Save the children

But the real point of this post is to share a new skincare range Skin Science  I'm trialling (for myself).  I heard about it thanks to job contact with the cosmetic scientist who developed the formulation.  It uses apple stem cell technology  that helps the skin rejuvenate and repair damaged cells.

I'm trying the day cream and so far am very impressed.  My skin (combination, with oiliness on t-zone) is looking healthy and doesn't feel too greasy at the end of the day.  It also is SPF 20, which is fantastic - I've been searching for a stronger SPF than 15 which doesn't leave a white palour.

The face wash is also good and feels fresh when applying.  It doesn't foam as well as I think it should - but this means it doesn't dry the skin out and is gentle enough to remove eye make up as well.

So far the flaws lies in the packaging - it's trying to be too much - silver, grey and snazzy - and comes off cheaply done.  The copy on the packaging (yes I read it) is badly written, edited and half-finished.  This is a bad reflection on the company who didn't take the details seriously.  And in business it should be all about the details.

But I can forgive the outer transgressions knowing that what goes in it is legitimate and will certainly be beneficial for my skin.  I'd rather this - than empty promises in pretty packaging I've paid a fortune for.

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