
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Pre-school pain! Don't bother reading unless you're a Mom :-)

So Samuel didn't get into the pre-school that he's been on the list for (since he was 2 months old grrr,...sigh)  The reason he went on a list at 2 months was because I was told to MAKE SURE he was on the list to ensure his place in 2 years time i.e. now!  The school is also walking distance from us and we've supported the fundraisers and open days because my niece goes there.

Having spoken to the school the reason he's not accepted is because there are a) too many siblings coming through (they have priority) and b) too many boys.  So although I know of 5 girls who were accepted, and have subsequently turned down their places, Samuel still won't get in because he's a boy!  In other words, should a girl his age come along, who hasn't been on the list at all, she would get in, while he wouldn't.  Doesn't that seem just a LITTLE unfair?

Maybe we shouldn't have been so short-sighted in not making Plan B or C school.  But here we are desperately looking for B or C school to accept him.
I was told by the secretary of non-accepting school to keep him at home and try again next year - she clearly doesn't understand!

It also seems that there is no information / reviews of schools available besides word of mouth and visiting.  Guess what I'll be up to in the next week!  Wish us luck!


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