
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Books - The Fall of Giants - Ken Follett

I've been introduced to Ken Follett and I'm hooked.
I managed to get my hands on his latest novel 'Fall of Giants' which is the first in his next triology series called 'The Century Trilogy'.

I'm captivated by the way he can mingle his narrative into historical fact and make it seem effortless, easy and a pleasure to read.  The Fall of Giants is taking me through the start of World War I, the Russian revolution and the suffragete movement in the UK. Usually historically based novels intimidate - this one has me spellbound.

When I'm done with these masterful pages - I'll have to get hold of the previous novels The Pillars of the Earth and its sequel World Without End.

I love finding a new author!

Overall readability: 4/5
Narrative: 4/5
Characterisation: 5/5
Would I take on holiday: DEFINITELY

I can't wait for the sequel - its due out in 2012 and it can't come soon enough!

Monday, 23 May 2011


No not some Italian delicacy, rather a pair of silicone cups – I was recommended at my recent birthday pamper session at Suntra Spa (thanks Pete!).   

Bellabaci means ‘beautiful kiss’ in Italian.  These cups are designed to provide deep tissue massage, stimulate blood circulation and help detoxify the lymphatic system.  There is a pair of small ones for the face and a bigger size for the body.  They felt amazing when the therapist used them during my facial and on my back during the massage.  So I suckered in to the sales pitch - excuse the pun - and bought some.

It’s now a case of learning the technique – but the tips and info on their website is helpful.

But does it sound too good to be true?
I’ve decided that I’ll try for a month and see if I notice a difference in these areas:
My complexion – hell I could definitely do without blackheads. 
My shoulders and upper back – I really suffer from knots and tension here
My digestion – apparently my colon is sluggish (not sure what the therapist was angling for here!)
Reduced cellulite - could it be possible?
An overall detox – I’ve never been disciplined enough to do the dietary one (giving up a beautiful milky, flat white espresso is just too hard!)

White tiger toy scare causes Hampshire police alert | World news | The Guardian

White tiger toy scare causes Hampshire police alert | World news | The Guardian

I had to laugh when I read this! Can you imagine the scene afterwards! I wonder if there'll be an inquiry...

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Why mothers of toddlers make fantastic businesswomen

1) Our negotiational skills are super sharp thanks to endless rounds of finding a compromise
2) We're used to reasoning with those with limited brainpower (and I mean that in the nicest possible way!)
3) We're used to cleaning up after...
4) We can handle mood swings, even if they happen within 2 seconds
5) We're brilliant at distraction for a higher purpose
6) We can make decisions for the greater good quickly and stick to them, even if everything (or the 2 year old) falls apart around us
7) We've got a thick skin to make sure we're not manipulated, but can chameleon into a softie when needed
8) We find energy to keep going in ways we never dreamed possible...

No guesses then about how my day has been!

Monday, 09 May 2011

Coldplay to tour SA

I'm so excited that another of my 'all-time-favourite' bands are coming to SA!  Roll on October!  

Coldplay to tour SA: "English alternative rock band Coldplay will be performing live for the first time in South Africa in October."

Thursday, 05 May 2011

Killing an afternoon

If you have a toddler and its heading into winter - you'll know what I mean!  You need your wits about you to conjure up enough entertainment to keep them interested and occupied - and yourself sane.  In my case its to avoid Samuel looking for snails, worms or other creatures (and eat them - yes its happened!) or start unpacking the cupboards and feed groceries to Phoebe (our Labrador with an insatiable appetite)

So here's an idea - bake some (healthish) muffins - and take your time about it by including the toddler.  Be prepared for mess - it helps to have a Labrador on this front.  I used a bran muffin mix and added grated carrot and sunflower seeds.

I can't be bothered to measure flour etc.  Ready mixes are the way to go!

Samuel 'mixed' for about half an hour before finally spooning into the trays :-)

Small rewards and another half hour speeds by while you try and clean up! 

I did remove as much batter as possible - all that raw flour can't be that healthy.  Apparently its delicious to a 2 year old!

The finished product - not bad and taste really good!

Cape Town - top destination in the world for 2011!

TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice Destinations Awards - Top 25 - World

Voted by the top travel website in the world!  Feel so proud to live in this city!

Monday, 02 May 2011

Ed Hardy t-shirts

I think he's incredibly talented - but the website isn't great at all at Ed Hardy Shop
I was expecting to be blown away by the rhinestone designs - but instead it seemed watered down and very-average American.  Anyone know of a better site that shows his amazing designs?

Anyhoo, I have decided to not be too critical of the Mr Price versions - they're not nearly as intricate and eye-captivating - but still fun to wear with jeans this winter!

My entry for Woolworths soup competition: Braai Vege Soup!

Who couldn't do with a R50,000 Woolies voucher to spend over 3 years...
So here's my entry!  Its South African deluxe, delicious and a great way to use those left over veges from the braai!

Braai-vege soup!

500g of butternut
500g of sweet potato
350g of organic Woolworths potatoes
All this vege must have been cooked on the braai wrapped in foil.
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp Woolworths vege stock mixed with 500ml hot water (if a thinner texture soup is preferred make an extra 200ml stock water)
1 tin Woolworths coconut milk
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
3/4 tsp mild curry powder
1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp ground cumin
2 bay leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
Creme fraiche to taste
Sprinkle of parsley

In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, gently fry the chopped onion, garlic and bay leaves in the butter and olive oil on low heat until the onion is glassy. 
Add the spice ingredients and continue to fry for 2 minutes. 
Remove the foil from the left over braai vege and peel the veges. 
Roughly chop all vege and add to the pot.  Mix into the onions and spices.
Pour over the hot stock water and mix.
Bring this to a gentle simmer for 5 mins and then remove the bay leaves.
Take the pot off the direct heat and then mash (with potato masher) if a chunkier texture is preferred, or add a bit more stock water and blend with a handheld blender.
Add the tin of coconut milk right before serving, stir through and re-heat.
Garnish with a knob of creme fraiche and sprinkle of parsley.
Best served with Woolworths french loaf or toasted rye bread.
And you can't go wrong with an accompaniment of mature cheddar cheese.

Here's a pic of Samuel playing braai-master in training!