
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Books - The Fall of Giants - Ken Follett

I've been introduced to Ken Follett and I'm hooked.
I managed to get my hands on his latest novel 'Fall of Giants' which is the first in his next triology series called 'The Century Trilogy'.

I'm captivated by the way he can mingle his narrative into historical fact and make it seem effortless, easy and a pleasure to read.  The Fall of Giants is taking me through the start of World War I, the Russian revolution and the suffragete movement in the UK. Usually historically based novels intimidate - this one has me spellbound.

When I'm done with these masterful pages - I'll have to get hold of the previous novels The Pillars of the Earth and its sequel World Without End.

I love finding a new author!

Overall readability: 4/5
Narrative: 4/5
Characterisation: 5/5
Would I take on holiday: DEFINITELY

I can't wait for the sequel - its due out in 2012 and it can't come soon enough!

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