
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Why mothers of toddlers make fantastic businesswomen

1) Our negotiational skills are super sharp thanks to endless rounds of finding a compromise
2) We're used to reasoning with those with limited brainpower (and I mean that in the nicest possible way!)
3) We're used to cleaning up after...
4) We can handle mood swings, even if they happen within 2 seconds
5) We're brilliant at distraction for a higher purpose
6) We can make decisions for the greater good quickly and stick to them, even if everything (or the 2 year old) falls apart around us
7) We've got a thick skin to make sure we're not manipulated, but can chameleon into a softie when needed
8) We find energy to keep going in ways we never dreamed possible...

No guesses then about how my day has been!

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