
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Saturday, 04 June 2011

Attention to the little boys

Here's my lament about trying to find toddler boy clothes...

My search for fun, funky, good quality toddler boy clothes continues. Once again Woolworths has the most disappointing winter range for boys ages 1-3. Goodness knows who the buyer is, but clearly and sadly they have no clue. If you were to dress your boytjie in their range he'd look just like a Walton-boy in lots of navy blue, bottle green and red polyester trackpants and boring cotton long-sleeve t-shirts (plain I add).  Their baby-boy range is gorgeous but enter toddler years and its a serious let down.

Mr Price is far better on the fun and funky (and almost every t-shirt Samuel has comes from them) But good luck trying to find the sizes in their other items!  PEP is another store - super cheap - and remarkably cute!  I found Samuel some jeans and a surfer t-shirt here for under R70!

I won't go into detail about how disappointing the boys' pyjamas are either.  A 2-year old isnt exactly into Spiderman / Ben 10 yet - but he doesn't have a choice.  Luckily when I was in the UK I bought Samuel some brilliant step-in, zip-up pyjamas - they're warm and practical and he loves them.  It's not a struggle to get him dressed after a bath...he wants to get into them.  I don't blame him!

Just woken up - too cute!

The back of the PJ's even has a tail!  And the feet are non-slip

I know Woolworths can improve the boys clothes - after all the toddler girls stuff is gorgeous.  So come on Woolies - isn't it time you paid some attention to the little boys?

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