
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Friday, 24 June 2011

Friday night supper - steak, pommes frites and hollandaise

Pete's cooking me supper tonight! Yippee!  I was inspired by my best mate Kate (who, unfortunately for me, lives in the UK) when she shared her husband's supper idea two nights ago.

So we're having a salad to start (more about that below) a steak (a free-range rump from Woolworths - the only meat worth eating) with french fries (pommes frites) and I'll try my hand at a hollandaise sauce - calorific, but delicious.

The wine is Warwick Pinotage (2009) which we discovered at our father's day lunch at the estate last Sunday.  Its wonderfully smooth and easy to drink and it says on the lable enjoy with a good steak - so there you go!

Here's my sneaky salad:
  • Packet of bitter mix leaves (like rocket, watercress, baby spinach)
  • Grated raw beetroot
  • Mint (if you can find some)
  • Granny Smith apple sliced thinly
  • Cranberries
  • Blue cheese
    Balsamic oil / olive oil dressing mix to taste.
I love the tangy / sweet / sour mix!

And here's my easy hollandaise recipe:
  • 1 x egg yolk (beaten) and placed in a good size bowl
  • Heat up about 2 / 3 tbsp of butter (use a microwave - super quick)
  • Heat up juice of one big lemon
  • Then get your whisk ready and slowly from a height, drip the butter (hot and melted) into the egg yolk beating all the time.
  • Then do the same with the hot lemon juice and keep whisking
  • The mixture should start thickening - you need to do taste tests and check to see whether you need more butter / lemon or both - until you get to the taste / sharpness you like!
  • Don't forget black pepper and salt afterwards
And serve immediately!

YUM - I can't wait to tuck in!

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