
That's what this is all about! Come and try on clothes, accessories, shoes, I hope to throw in a few good food recipes, wine and home/kids stuff. Instead of just sharing with friends, I also plan to rope them in to 'tryonforsize' and share their finds as well...

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Naartjies and weather nostalgia

I sat on the front steps with Samuel recently, aborbing the Cape afternoon sunshine, and watched him peel a naartjie. I'm captivated as his face squeezes up as the sweet/sour juice hits his tongue.  So cute.

These moments gave me weather nostalgia. It reminds me of childhood days in Kwa-Zulu Natal where the autumn days are always sunny.  Afternoons lying next to the pool and watching my mom lie on the warmed slasto opposite me; both of us absorbing the sun's perfect temperature. We'd eat naartjies off the trees that grew in our garden.  Then just enjoy those late afternoon minutes before the sun dipped behind the mountain the winter chill hidden in the shadows crept back.

Happy memories to make me nostalgic and a wonderful story to share with Samuel about his Granny!

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